The Water-free, Chemical-freeSkin Care Revolution Starts Here!

As a child already, Damiva's lead Annette began her own quest for a healthy, natural lifestyle. A quest that got sparked by her mother who introduced her to juicing, yoga, breath work and even self-prepared all-natural skin care … in the seventies!

A quest that continued through her life when healing the asthma and allergies of her baby daughter by ridding the household of chemicals and treating her own health issues. A quest that put her on the path of helping thousands of women to to a joyous, healthy life, a life connected to the amazing abundance and forgiveness of nature and the earth.

Annette observed that women become more energetic, healthy, beautiful and stronger when they live with their natural flow. The flow through the decades of childhood, reproductive years, motherhood, and later (post) menopause. The flow through each monthly cycle. The flow through a day. 

She understood that it was not about control of the natural flow, but to connect to it, enhance it and even use it for your every day life. To support this flow and avoid things that disrupt or diminish the flow. 

She learnt that synthetic chemicals disrupt the natural female flow because they disrupt her hormone system.

She learnt that beauty and fem care products are packed with these chemicals. She discovered that the key to chemical-free skin care is that it is water-free. Because only water-free skin care can be chemical-free.  


Annette has witnessed time and time again how women become more energetic, healthy, beautiful and stronger when they started to reduce the chemical load and live with their natural flow.

This insight made her become the lead of Damiva and start the Damiva movement when she turned 52. 

It is a worldwide movement, to inspire and empower women to reconnect to their natural flow, beauty and health to feel good about themselves in every decade of their lives. 

Annette calls it the “Water-free Revolution” 

To date, tens of thousands of women have joined our Damiva community, and become a part of this Water-free Revolution. Every day, this community of inspired women is growing — and inspires new generations of women to feel good about themselves at every age.


To our Damiva community, this natural flow is something to celebrate. It’s not something to be “control” or "put up with," but something to be proud of, to enjoy, and to honor in every stage of your life.


We invite you to join us.

Damiva - get your boom back